1918 Orchard Country Lane Living Room C

Meet the Team

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Larissa Botik

Founder & CEO

Larissa Botik is a fifth generation Houstonian and takes great pride in her local community. Raised with a passion for serving God through helping others, she makes it her professional goal to help get her family homes "Dressed for Success". Whether it's preparing a home for sale or creating the home you always dreamed about, she is there for you.

In her ten years of experience, Larissa has staged hundreds of properties ranging from fixer-uppers to multi-million dollar estates. Her busy schedule doesn't stop her from being a loving homemaker for her supportive husband and three children.

In addition to everything else, she is very active in her community as a participating member of the G.W. Robinson Elementary PTA, Advocacy Chair for the Seabrook Intermediate PTA and, a sustaining member of the Junior League of Galveston County and continues to be greatly involved in her sons' local Boy Scout Troop.


Kristy Dwyer

Interior Design Consultant 

Kristy has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design from Iowa State University and is a Certified Art Instructor. Her experience brings her abilities to create conceptual interior drawings and scaled floor plans to our services, along with art and design consultation. She will guide clients in furniture and finish selections as well as style residences with perfectly placed accessories. Her hand-painted walls can also customize and enhance your interior.


Katie Gomez

Digital Director 

Katie Gomez is an eighth generation Texan who is proud is call the Bay Area home. After time in the corporate world, Katie became a stay at home mother, which of course turned into a Mommy Blog. She joined the blogging world at its inception and has found her niche on the "back end" in the digital marketing world.

  In her free time, you can find her on the baseball fields with her son, at a PTA meeting or making her Bouvier des Flandres sing along to the TV.